Yeghishe Charents State Museum of Literature and Art
The museum of Literature and Art named after great Armenian poet Yeghishe Charents exists for about a hundred years and is one of the biggest hearths of culture of the Republic of Armenia. It includes archives of nearly all the cultural figures, collections referring to literature, theatre, music and film production, beginning from the 18th century to modern times, as well as collections referring to our cultural and educational institutions.
The exhibition is organized in 5 halls /total area 300 sq. m./, in the first two halls Armenian literature is introduced, in the third-theatre, in the forth- film production and music in the last one. The exhibited material tells not only about literature and art great figures, but also about educational institutions /schools, colleges, seminaries/, scientific, cultural organizations, literary, musical, theatrical groups, well-known publishing houses. The variety of the material is unbelievably wide: art, scientific, pedagogic, ethnographical, memoirs manuscripts, letters, documents, posters, photos, notations, invitations, musical instruments, personal and stage belongings and clothes, furniture, utensils, souvenirs, awards, early printed books, press, e.t.c. Besides all these exhibits, the museum’s five halls are saturated with artworks of the introduced figures, such as canvases, caricatures, graphic works, sculptures.